Teodoro Aguilera Benítez

Teodoro Aguilera received his Physics degree in 2009 and his Ph.D. in Electronics in 2016 all of them from the University of Extremadura (Spain). He was an Assistant Professor of Automation for three years in the Department of Electrical Engineering, Electronics and Automation at the University of Extremadura. Currently he is a research member of the Sensory Systems Group (GISS) of this university where his work lies in the design of Acoustic Local Positioning Systems (ALPS) based on mobile devices.

International Journal Articles


Fernando J. Álvarez and Teodoro Aguilera Benítez. "Optimal Speed and Range Estimation Using Dual Linear Frequency Modulated Signals", IEEE Signal Processing Letters, vol. 32, no. NA, January 2025, pp. 661-665


Felipe Parralejo Rodríguez, Fernando J. Álvarez, José Antonio Paredes Moreno, Fernando Jesús Aranda Polo and Teodoro Aguilera Benítez. "Precise Mechanical Oscillator Design and Calibration for Characterising Sub-Millimetre Movements in mmWave Radar Systems", Sensors, vol. 24, no. 23, November 2024, pp. 1-15

Juan Diego Gutiérrez Gallardo, Teodoro Aguilera Benítez, Fernando J. Álvarez, Jorge Morera Mainar and Fernando Jesús Aranda Polo. "Precise Local Positioning of a Mobile Device Based on Pose Reconstruction From a Visible Light Beacon", IEEE Access, vol. 12, no. , February 2024, pp. 20517-20529


Juan Diego Gutiérrez Gallardo, Antonio Jiménez, Fernando Seco, Fernando J. Álvarez, Teodoro Aguilera Benítez, Joaquín Torres Sospedra and Fran Melchor. "GetSensorData: An extensible Android-based application for multi-sensor data registration", Software X, vol. 19, no. 1, July 2022, pp. 1-9


Teodoro Aguilera Benítez, Joaquín Aparicio and Fernando J. Álvarez. "High Availability Acoustic Positioning for Targets Moving in Poor Coverage Areas", IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, vol. 70, no. 1, August 2021, pp. 1-11

Teodoro Aguilera Benítez, Fernando Jesús Aranda Polo, Felipe Parralejo Rodríguez, Juan Diego Gutiérrez Gallardo, José Antonio Moreno Zamora and Fernando J. Álvarez. "Noise-Resilient Acoustic Low Energy Beacon for Proximity-Based Indoor Positioning Systems", Sensors, vol. 21, no. 5, March 2021, pp. 1-22


Joaquín Aparicio, Teodoro Aguilera Benítez and Fernando J. Álvarez. "Robust Airborne Ultrasonic Positioning of Moving Targets in Weak Signal Coverage Areas", IEEE Sensors Journal, vol. 20, no. 21, November 2020, pp. 13119-13130

Santiago Murano Francisc, Maria del Carmen Pérez Rubio, David Gualda Gómez, Fernando J. Álvarez, Teodoro Aguilera Benítez and Carlos De Marciani. "Evaluation of Zadoff-Chu, Kasami and Chirp based encoding schemes for Acoustic Local Positioning Systems", IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, vol. 69, no. 8, August 2020, pp. 5356-5368

Teodoro Aguilera Benítez, Fernando J. Álvarez, José Antonio Paredes Moreno and José Antonio Moreno Zamora. "Doppler Compensation Algorithm for Chirp-Based Acoustic Local Positioning Systems", Digital Signal Processing, vol. 100, no. 1, May 2020, pp. 1-11


José Antonio Paredes Moreno, Fernando J. Álvarez, Teodoro Aguilera Benítez and Fernando Jesús Aranda Polo. "Precise Drone Location and Tracking by Adaptive Matched Filtering from a Top-View ToF Camera", Expert Systems with Applications, vol. 141, no. 2020, September 2019, pp. 1-13

José Antonio Moreno Zamora, Fernando J. Álvarez, Teodoro Aguilera Benítez and José Antonio Paredes Moreno. "Easily-Deployable Acoustic Local Positioning System Based on Auto-CalibratedWireless Beacons", Sensors, vol. 19, no. 6, March 2019, pp. 1-22


Jesús Ureña, Álvaro Hernández, J. Jesús García, José M. Villadangos, M. Carmen Pérez, Fernando J. Álvarez and Teodoro Aguilera Benítez. "Acoustic Local Positioning With Encoded Emission Beacons", Proceedings of the IEEE, vol. 106, no. 6, May 2018, pp. 1042-1062

Teodoro Aguilera Benítez, Fernando J. Álvarez, David Gualda, José M. Villadangos, Álvaro Hernández and Jesús Ureña. "Multipath Compensation Algorithm for TDMA-Based Ultrasonic Local Positioning Systems", IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, vol. 67, no. 5, May 2018, pp. 984-991

Fernando J. Álvarez, Teodoro Aguilera Benítez, José Antonio Paredes Moreno and José Antonio Moreno Zamora. "Acoustic Tag Identification Based on Noncoherent FSK Detection With Portable Devices", IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, vol. 67, no. 2, February 2018, pp. 270-278

Teodoro Aguilera Benítez, Fernando Seco, Fernando J. Álvarez and Antonio Jiménez. "Broadband Acoustic Local Positioning System for Mobile Devices with Multiple Access Interference Cancellation", Measurement, vol. 116, no. N.A., February 2018, pp. 483-494


José Antonio Paredes Moreno, Fernando J. Álvarez, Teodoro Aguilera Benítez and José M. Villadangos. "3D Indoor Positioning of UAVs with Spread Spectrum Ultrasound and Time-of-Flight Cameras", Sensors, vol. 18, no. 1, December 2017, pp. 1-15

Alfonso Bahillo, Teodoro Aguilera Benítez, Fernando J. Álvarez and Asier Perallos. "WAY: Seamless Positioning Using a Smart Device", Wireless Personal Communications, vol. 94, no. 4, June 2017, pp. 2949–2967

Fernando J. Álvarez, Teodoro Aguilera Benítez and Roberto López-Valcarce. "CDMA-Based Acoustic Local Positioning System for Portable Devices with Multipath Cancellation", Digital Signal Processing, vol. 62, no. N.A., March 2017, pp. 38-51


Teodoro Aguilera Benítez, Jesús Lozano, José Antonio Paredes Moreno, Fernando J. Álvarez and José I. Suárez. "Electronic Nose Based on Independent Component Analysis Combined with Partial Least Squares and Artificial Neural Networks for Wine Prediction", Sensors, vol. 12, no. 6, December 2012, pp. 8055-8072


José Antonio Paredes Moreno, Teodoro Aguilera Benítez, Fernando J. Álvarez, Jesús Lozano and Jorge Morera Mainar. "Analysis of Doppler Effect on the Pulse Compression of Different Codes Emitted by an Ultrasonic LPS", Sensors, vol. 11, no. 11, November 2011, pp. 10765-10784

Fernando J. Álvarez, Roman Kuc and Teodoro Aguilera Benítez. "Identifying Fabrics with a Variable Emission Airborne Sonar", IEEE Sensors Journal, vol. 11, no. 9, September 2011, pp. 1905-1912